Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Stop being so hard on yourselves

There is much debate as to how a mother should look after she has had a baby. What a load of shit!

Mums look like themselves, not cardboard cut-outs of what society believes they should be. How hard is it to be yourself and look after your baby? No one said you had to have your makeup done by 8am, out the door by 8:30, looking fabulous and mumsy at the park.
Realistically, mothers cannot even function at a normal rate from sleep deprivation, hunger and general insanity. So this fantasy society believes is true of motherhood is incorrect. There is also another point or side of the coin, some might say and I’ll get to that part now.

If by some miracle of genetics and sanity you snap straight back to pre-baby figure and are completely routine orientated. Well done for you. But I have a secret, this is seriously a minority of this population. If we continue to breed then this cycle is going to keep reoccurring. Let’s endeavour to keep our heads in our heads and stop body and mind slamming ourselves into some small stereotype that in reality doesn’t exist for ourselves.

I hate morning now, I dislike doing my own hair, getting dressed makes me frustrated, my body can fit into my clothing... just. All these things are ok and I am ok with it. Because I am me and only you yourselves can change who you want to be for your children. Body image should be a positive and not a negative experience. We all have the same bits and pieces essentially, there is no shame in that. We all wish to be healthier and share those healthy choices with our children in hope they will do the same for their children and our legacy will live on forever and a day etc…

… So let’s be honest, seeing a mum on insta who just had twins with a six pack is quite an unrealistic goal and muscles are fab and all but they aren’t for everyone. Meaning I actually don’t think my body can produce them. (do flab abs count?)


This episode ends the, ‘to be continued adventures of motherhood’. Stayed tuned for the next four episodes for insights into films, tv shoes and the musical ride.

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